THE Healing Power of Sexological Bodywork

What is Sexological Bodywork?

Sexological bodywork is a radical reclamation modality that focuses on the body as the vessel of consciousness, a tool for connection and the home of all sensory information that creates our unique experience of reality. Within the many specialisations and incredible breadth of what sexological bodywork covers, the golden thread is a commitment to embodiment and a foundational aspect of working with individuals in co-created, enthusiastic body-based consent as well as nervous system regulation and trauma-informed practice. Whilst able to be used stunningly well in groups and intimate partnerships, sexological bodywork is often utilised in one-on-one settings, practitioner to client or student.

Founded in its original state by Joseph Kramer at the height of the HIV / AIDs, Sexological bodywork intersects a variety of modalities and approaches, borrowing from that which supports and influences it from psychotherapy, neurobiology and modern medical clinical practice to yoga, energy healing, the therapeutic byproducts of commercial sex work and gay, lesbian and queer advocacy which lay in its very roots. The work and learning and teaching of Sexological bodywork is grounded in the individual's lived experience, uniquely placed in a cognitive-first world to center and prioritize the body’s innate wisdom. 

Imagine living a life where your body is not just accepted, but deeply honored as a source of wisdom and pleasure. This is the life that sexological bodywork and its brave practitioners know to be our birthright to have, and our duty to foster and protect. As a modality that combines elements of somatic experiencing, trauma-informed care, and conscious sexuality, sexological bodywork offers a powerful path to healing, embodiment, and joy.

For the slow poison of being disconnected from our bodies and our desire, sexological bodywork provides a radical antidote. It invites us to tune in, rather than numb out. To listen to the wisdom of our flesh, rather than trying to override it. And to cultivate a sense of pleasure and joy that radiates from the inside out.

Consider how the principles of sexological bodywork might apply to your own life. Where might you be holding tension or shame in your body? What would it feel like to embrace your full sexual self, without fear or judgment? These are the questions that sexological bodywork invites us to explore, and the transformations that can unfold when we do.

If you’d like to hear more about how sexological bodywork can help you, please feel free to reach out or book a discovery call.


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